multiple materials per mesh - new in lib3ds 2.0 ?
Adrian Bedeau
17 years ago

In looking through this forum a few weeks back, I found this post

from which I concluded that one mesh can only have one material. However, in
the upcoming 2.0 release of lib3ds there is an example called cube.c which
now leads me to think otherwise. Below is the relevant part of cube.c:
//first material
Lib3dsMaterial *mat = lib3ds_material_new("c_tex");
lib3ds_file_insert_material(file, mat, -1);
strcpy(mat->texture1_map.name, "cube.tga");
mat->texture1_map.percent = 1.0;
//second material
mat = lib3ds_material_new("c_red");
lib3ds_file_insert_material(file, mat, -1);
mat->diffuse[0] = 1.0;
mat->diffuse[1] = 0.0;
mat->diffuse[2] = 0.0;
//third material
mat = lib3ds_material_new("c_blue");
lib3ds_file_insert_material(file, mat, -1);
mat->diffuse[0] = 0.0;
mat->diffuse[1] = 0.0;
mat->diffuse[2] = 1.0;

Lib3dsMesh *mesh = lib3ds_mesh_new("cube");

for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
mesh->faces[i].material = 0; //I think this is applying the
first material to faces 0 through 7
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
mesh->faces[8+i].material = 1; //I think this is applyingthe second
material to faces 8 through 9
for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
mesh->faces[10+i].material = 2; //I think this is applyingthe third
material to faces 10 through 11


The cube written out has 1 blue face (2 triangles), 1 red face, and 4 grey
face. From this it seems that you can have more than one materials per mesh,
but one material per face. I am wondering if this is new in lib3ds2.0 or
have I always misunderstood that you can have only 1 material per mesh?

Thank you for taking time to help me.

Kyprianidis, Jan Eric
17 years ago
the 3ds format allows material assignment per face (and both lib3ds 1.x
and 2.0 support this).
Note that material handling is a little bit different in lib3ds 2.0.
Indexes are used instead of strings to waste less memory.
--jan eric
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